Minh Tran

made with Scratch

I'm a third-year PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Chicago, advised by Diana Franklin. Previously, I graduated with a dual degree in Computer Science and Psychology from the University of Arizona. Before college, I spent my life in a small town in the mountainous Northwest region of Vietnam.



“I’m afraid I know nothing about computer science…”

I’m fascinated by how kids feel when they first expose to CS in a formal setting, especially those who have no or very little personal connection to it. My research spans CS education in K-8 (ages 8-14). Through design-based research, my current work focuses on developing both psychological and practical interventions for creating localized CS learning materials that faciliate student learning while optimizing teacher workload.


* indicates peer-reviewed publications, + indicates co-first authorship

Can GPT Help? Supporting Teachers to Brainstorm Customized
Instructional Scratch Projects*

Minh Tran, David Gonzalez-Maldonado, Elaine Zhou and Diana Franklin
ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2025 - Accepted

Harmonizing Scratch Encore: Scaffolding K-8 Teachers in
Customizing Culturally Responsive Computing Materials*

Minh Tran, Heather Killen, Jen Palmer, David Weintrop, Diana Franklin
ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2024

Supporting CS Teachers to Customize Culturally Relevant
Instructional Materials: Challenges and Iteratively Designed Solutions

Heather Killen+, Minh Tran+, Jen Palmer, David Weintrop, Diana Franklin
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), 2024

Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models to Support K-8
Computer Science Teachers in Creating Culturally Responsive Projects

Minh Tran
ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER), 2023

Strym: A python package for real-time can data logging, analysis
and visualization to work with usb-can interface*

Rahul Bhadani, Matt Bunting, Matthew Nice, Ngoc Minh Tran, Safwan Elmadani, Dan Work, Jonathan Sprinkle
IEEE Workshop on Data-Driven and Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Cities, 2022


Teaching Assistant (at UChicago):

Teaching Assistant (at UArizona):

Get to know more about me!!!